Via FastCompany
14 Ekim 2010 Perşembe
31 Ağustos 2010 Salı
Did AIESEC inspire IBM?
That kind of sounded familiar with my favourite organization's recruitment campaign that has been around for about 2.5 years.
24 Temmuz 2010 Cumartesi
TED Video of Elif Shafak on The Politics of Fiction
15 Mayıs 2010 Cumartesi
Scalable idealism

We should learn to scale our ideals. In other words, if necessary, we need to decrease our expectations of being a "super hero" or a historical figure, compared to our mighty childhood dreams. I wanted to be like the great Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Ataturk when I was a kid. As time went by, I realized it may not be very possible within my generation (one of the reasons being, thankfully, that there is no such need for where I come from right now). Today I have different ideals, and I'm looking for different ways of how I can utilize my impact. I try to gain experience, learn and develop myself in those different areas that will enable me to do that. So in the end I may not be able to save a whole nation or be the greatest leader of all time, but that doesn't mean that I have to settle for an ordinary life either. We can live decent lives, and enrich the lives of other people in different ways with the best of our abilities.
The good thing about pondering these types of thoughts is that it lets you see the integration points of your current reality and your dreams and goals. From this point in time, as bright as the future looks to me, I see that there are a lot of clouds in between. Thinking about such matters helps to shed some sunlight on the way.
12 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba
Yunus nerede? / Where is Yunus?
Son zamanlarda pek blog yazmadığmın farkındayım. Eğer neler yapıyorum diye merak ediyorsanız beni Twitter'dan (@yunust), Facebook'tan,LinkedIn'den ya da soldaki friendfeed kutusundan takip edebilirsiniz.
26 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi
Would you mind supporting me by giving me a minute?
I have news for you:
I am standing as a candidate for One Young World to represent Turkey. It's a platform where I can represent my generation and my country on some of the greatest challenges ahead. More info here
Would you mind helping me become a delegate by voting for me?
Here's what you can do:1. Most importantly, soon you should see my video in the YouTube Channel for One Young World. Click on "Vote" on top of the page and vote for my video by clicking on the green "Thumbs up" button. It's not on that page yet but should be there tomorrow I suppose. This is the most important one as if I get enough votes until November 1st, 2009, I may be able to attend the conference fully-funded by YouTube (one of the sponsors of the conference)!
Here's the link to the YouTube Channel:
2. Follow this link and vote for me: It's a link to a trustworthy Facebook application so if it asks you to give it the rights to access your profile, just accept it.
3. Follow this link and comment on, rate or favourite my video: (below is the embedded version)
Thanks for all the support!
13 Haziran 2009 Cumartesi
Zihin Haritam vol. 2

Zihin haritamı PDF formatında görüntülemek için buraya,
orijinal MindMap formatında görüntülemek için buraya tıklayabilirsiniz. Özellikle linklerin çalışması için buradan Mindjet MindMap Viewer programını ücretsiz yüklemenizi öneririm.
Bu arada orada belirtmediğim hayatımdaki önemli bir gelişme de Aslı'nın buraya geliyor olması! :D
Kendisi de bir AIESEC'li olan kız arkadaşım Aslı, Kanada'da bizim şirketle (Alcatel-Lucent) eşleşti ve inşallah en kısa zamanda buraya geliyor. Gözümüz aydın! :)